About AllTrails
AllTrails is the most trusted and used outdoors platform in the world. We help people explore the outdoors with hand-curated trail maps along with photos, reviews, and user recordings crowdsourced from our community of millions of registered hikers, mountain bikers, and trail runners in 150 countries. AllTrails is frequently ranked as a top-5 Health and Fitness app and has been downloaded by over 50 million people worldwide. AllTrails was selected as Apple’s App of the Year in 2023!
Every day, we solve incredibly hard problems so that we can get more people outside having healthy, authentic experiences and a deeper appreciation of the outdoors. Join us!
Bay Area employees are highly encouraged to come into the office one day a week.
We’re seeking a Localization Strategy Manager to own translation and localization at AllTrails. This small but mighty team ensures that global users of AllTrails have a high quality experience in their native language. The ideal candidate has experience working on localization and a mix of project or product management, strategy, data analysis, and data visualization skills, as well as interest in maps, GIS, and the outdoors. The role reports to the Director of Operations.
What You’ll Be Doing:
- Ensuring high-quality translation of our product and marketing suite, including our website, mobile apps, campaign emails and more
- Developing KPIs and providing ongoing reporting for selected markets, tracking the impact of initiatives implemented
- Evaluating and communicating progress of localization efforts on a regular basis to key stakeholders
- Helping inform research to understand global user needs, preferences, cultural differences, competitive environment, and any local insights that will help drive strategic decision making
- Partnering closely with leadership, and cross-functional teams (design, marketing, engineering, research, etc.) to bring features and product to market
- 3+ years of experience scaling complex, global programs and/or working on strategy
- 2+ years experience working on International strategy, translations, or localizations
- Experience with Smartling or similar translation platforms
- Expert communication skills, including the ability to persuade and inspire, a knack for breaking down complex concepts, and a proactive attitude towards knowledge sharing
- Experience identifying KPIs and reporting on goals and progress
- Basic knowledge of SQL, Excel, and tools like Looker, Preset, Amplitude etc,
- Previous experience working with web and app development teams and using platforms like JIRA
- Ability to self pilot and navigate ambiguity while getting cross functional buy in
- Scrappy, creative problem solver for whom no job is too big or too small
- Empathy, open-mindedness, and humility
- Passion for the outdoors
Bonus Points:
- GIS/OSM experience
- Considerable time living/working abroad in Europe
- Business proficiency in French, German, and/or Spanish
- Experience working at a mobile-first B2C company
- High-growth or subscription business experience
Our Commitment to You:
- A competitive and equitable compensation plan. This is a full-time, salaried position that includes equity
- Physical & mental well-being including health, dental and vision benefits
- Trail Days: First Friday of each month to hit the trails!
- Unlimited PTO
- Flexible parental leave
- Annual continuing education stipend
- Discounts on subscriptions and merchandise for you and your friends & family
- An authentic investment in you as a human being and your career as a professional